The end[the part we say bye2] : Week 4.. Good thing won't stay forever kan.. so did the heaven life in Banting.. just the memories [good & bad] will stay with us life long..[the worse part : kamera tiade bateri & chargernye berada di UM! wuttttttde!]
[Entry ini agak/sgt panjang ye~]
Jadi ! hari Ahad malam bertolak macam biase, 10pm from UM.. malam ini sedikit lain dari malam2 biase kerana malam ini kami dibekalkan dgn CARBONARA SEDAP MAK HADI! super-superb !! haha.. eventho the sauce was a little bit sikit for me [coz boys kat blok B dh melantak awal2!] but I [sorry, we.. including winy~ hehe] ate it with all my heart! [masih terasa kesedapan sauce carbonara sedap mak hadi itu lg!! ddeng~] & aku rase aku makan lg byk dari winy.. hahaha.. ^^V
singgah McD sebentar for tenettt~teeheeeeeee..

mereka diam2 sepakat pkai baju merah + suar 3 suku tanpa mahu sepakat same aku! huh! amik!! gambar gluteus maximus korg.. hahahaha!
This small & giant comb was not mine! its winy's.. she use this to combed her hair everyday without fail.. she use the giant one if she had bad hair day [which was everyday] and the small one following the giant one.. hahaha.. kidding! sj nak nyakat ko MAKCIK!!! hahaha..

Extraordinary things that u wont see everyday but Winy did! haha..
MONDAY: 22/11/10
After class we go eat at Pak Li's newly open restaurant.. we've been waiting like ages for this kedai to launced its opening.. but no matter how hard we wait, we all still terlepas!! hahaha.. the grand opening was on last friday! wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut! so no diskaun2 OK ! hahaha.. I had honey ice lemon with mee goreng mamak.. agak weird la for lunch to eat mee.. but take my word here people! its worth it! super full! super sedap! hahaha.. super laaaaaa!!

Thhhhhhenn, petang itu kami telah merancang [hahaha.. i just translate BI words to BM in skema ways ] untuk memasak Carbonara tak sesedap Mak Hadi buat! yeah! first trial.. gileew tahu! mmg sedap.. tp macam aku kate td 'tak sesedap mak hadi buat' la kan.. tp kalu korg makan sure x kan diarrhoea punye la.. di jamin anda puas! hahaha... nak try?? terliur dah?? teheee..

yes, we had some food tester around.. memula masak tok 3 org je.. tp atlast, bile melihat kepada fettuchini yg semangkuk tu, lekas2 tukar pikiran & jemput kawan2 makan supaya mereka x berhabisan duit makan luar.. hahaa..[hanye kami je tahu real story~~ shhhhhhhhh!]. Ben x stop memuji! yeah! buakn fettuchini itu sj yg kembang, aku juge! hahaha.. winy apetah lg! hahaha!!! kan.. kan...
Tgh2 melantak dgn meriahnye, baru teringat malam tu ade pasar malam.. Its a must go place OK ! for us la.. dh kate nak explore Banting kan.. hehe.. so, balik, mandi, solat, siap tok ke pasar malam! x penah2 dalam idup aku[kami semua I suppose] tangkap gamba kat pasar malam.. buang habitat sungguh!! tp ia sht super fun!! teeeeheeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. cubelah.. aku tau korg x penah!! hahaha..

Kami tlg hadi dgn menjadi wanita2 yg drooling bile melihat lelaki sasa berpakaian Mickey Mouse yg berharga rm5 yg ketat! bahaha..
Sejam kami di sana, kami bergegas pulang untuk pergi oncall.. haha.. xde la oncall mane pon.. g A&E dgn harapan dapat salin byk2......... ok! korg paham kan.. x nak la taip.. kantoi terang2!! hahaha.. actually last oncall ni.. & thanx to Ben yg sentiasa bekepit dgn kamera beliau tanpa jemu!! yeay!! teeheeeeeee...

Second time of ice room.. whoaaaa.. sgt2 salah pilih ice cream.. tula.. ritu gelakkn Ben! hamikko!!

Sebelum makan sekerim x sedap tu kami g shopping kat TESCO tok barang2 yg nak dimasak sebagai bekalan makanan a.k.a picnic kami ke Bagan Lalang/Sepang Gold Coast.. Again for the third time aku makan carbonara sedap berturut2.. hebat! winy sgt risau tentang sesuatu, tp die tetap x dapat resist carbonara.. not yet!! haha..

helping Ben to make his coleslow by cutting the vege to small2 pieces as Ben cut it very hugely~
Winy & Kar Wei together2 helping each other packing the delicious food!! wallawei... the real situation was that they always quarrel one.. esp Kar Wei.. hahahah!!!
Hadi try to cut the watermelon with Ben at the back observing!
Here we go ! menumpang Ben's car.. he drive super fast & honestly Ben, SCARY ok!! hehe.. but Alhamdulillah, selamat pergi & kembali!!
We had Carbonara sedap + sausage + nuggets by Jas & Winy ! also sandwich by Kar Wei & Mei Ling ! tp aku makan ape aku masak je.. hehehe!! with lotsa2 of minuman berkarbonat yg menDIABETICkan.. teeheeeeee... Finish eating, we go ronda2 malam around that area.. supposely we want to go to the hotel yg best kat situ.. maaf, aku x tau ape namemye.. tp semalam hargenye paling murah pon rm500++ hokey!!

Super fun nite! thanx guys~
Cant remeber what class we had that day.. but I can remember clearly we went to OPD & play2 there.. Owh ye.. let me introduce u to this MA(medical attendance ) ... [okeh! aku lupe name die!!] but his name starts with F thats for sure.. haaaaaaaaaaa.. sory la bro!! teheee... thanx A LOOOOOOOOT for everything! managed to complete most of my procedure here!

Petang itu setelah sebulan si Banting ni.. kami pon menjejakkn kaki ke taman depan hospital.. haha.. macam loser je.. teeeheeeee... tp at least kami pergi la jugak kan!! korg ade?? pergi jogging okeh! sile lihat kasut winy!!! bukti! kaki aku x nampak sbb salah bajet posisi kamera~ huh!

Last day! abes je kelas trus.. yup! trus pack2 & sumbat segala tokmaknenek dalam kete winy! yeah!! nak balik UM ni!!

1 comment:
wah, u pun ada blog ar? haha.. missing our life in Banting dy... so enjoyable and memorable..
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