
* home i go *

harini nak balik umah..dah 2 miggu x balik..seems skejap (ye..i kno 2 weeks)but believe me its like soooo dam* long(esp org yg kna supplement cam aku..) need 2 go home..i want to go home..nak break fastg kat umah..mak masak sedap2..if rajen aku nk masak gak..western..ritu de usah blog membeku..amboi2 Ze..mcm2 recepi ko ade..ulur2 la sket ;)..kalu de kesempatan plus bahan mencukupi aku nk try fried cheese ko..neway, william tu kat mane(specifik sket)?? mcm pnah pegi..tp siyes aku lupe giler!!!

dalam tren nnti harap x ramai org..x rase nye..kalu grak around 2-3 pm still nice n comfy~~ lalala.. i want to have a sit! x mo r dri..pose..lg pon td sahur milo je..malas sgt nk g amik kat DM(malas ??bukan demem ke??tido saje~~~)sampai umah nk wat pe???k..lepak2 jap..pastu kalu rase cam x sdap ati sbb rilek sgt, bukak buku..bace la sket2 mane yg patut..td kna short case paeds..bukan "kna" tp EOP..hu..abdo case..kelaot jugak r..kna tegur sane sini..dh doc yg ajar aku lain dr doc yg amik exam, byk la laen step nye..yg nie not necessary la..ok2..i keep that in mind..next time if i jumpe u i x buat cam tu k..hehehehe..patu,blh plak sorg hamba Allah nie dtg lambat..siyes gile lambat..ble doc tnye dtg kol bape die blh ckp kol 11??sdang kan die dtg almost kol 12..kalu ye pon nk tipu~~bulan pose nie..dh la call hp die off!!siyes x pham~~tipu la doc tu..doc tau kot ko dtg lambat..11???YE LA TU~~(hm..kurang ke pahale pose aku??alaaa...)

now..sleepy..but ke-eager-an nk balik membantut kn rase ngantuk itu..tah2 dlm tren kang tido tros..aish..x pe la..drp temenung igt x tentu pasal, bek rehat kn dri..penat la 2 mggu nie..dr kol 8 pg kat wad n kdg2 sampai kol 1pm..bulan pose lg..mmg tired..same plak bz cam membe2 yg dh nek 4th year tu..hehehehe..x pe..nnti ble aku dh lulus supllement nie,dk bese bz2..so blh adapt kot..(cam nk sedap kan ati je..) this time buku bwk 1 je..bwk byk pon x tentu aku usik..buat berat beg je..kalu bace tu x pe gak..jas..jas..apenie??hehehe~~

alamak..mate dh ptosis(layu) plak..so.. to every umat islam yg berpose, slamat bepuase n bebuka..n yg x pose tu, kalu diberi cuti g la tlg wat juadah bebuka tok org pose..dpt pahale tau..jd.. NAK BALIK UMAH!!!


n hepi merdeka..
x yah sambut meriah2 la k..H1N1..kalu nk jgk,g berarak depan TV..itu dibenarkan.. huhuhuhuhuhuu... until we meet again..salam ramadhan~~




-day 2-

di hari ke-2 puase..actually x tau nk tulis pe..tp tgn sgt gatal menaip huruf2 yg bersesuaian hingga terbentuk ayat2 yg boleh dibace ini..im waitin for sumbody 2 come nih..mane die..(panjg kn leher ke blok di sbelah kann ku..x nmpk sape pon..baru nk kuar bilik kot..)x pe trus kan penaipan kata2 oleh jari-jemariku ini..so hari ke2 manahan nafsu lapar n dahage..hari Ahad..sahur ayam goreng + sayo n of kos besame nasik..buke nnti ape le pula..tp teringin ke bazar di kerinci..lame dh x menjejakkn kaki kesane.. dulu, pantang hari pasar malam sure bekonvoi reramai ke sane either by kaki or pinjam kete membe(sempit kete..tp smuenye saiz kecik2..muat je..) or nek teksi..eh..slalu g menapak je..balik je nek teksi sbb nk elak berok2 peliharaan kat utan sekangkang kera di depan 6th kolej..x nek teksi mmg x mrase la makann pasar mlm kerinchi itu..

hu..dia dtg..dgn beg lap top nye
(berisi PDA baru bli smalam)..hehe..k..sambung nnti..

nk gebang psal pe ye..ok..juadah bukak pose la..makann!!my fav topic to discuss..ala..dh bunyi plak prot nie..hm..die pon same dok exited tp bukannye blh ku isi pon..tgu buke dlu ye prot..saba k..stiap org sure de juadah kesukaan memasing kan..mcm aku..x de la yg sgt2 specific..sbb aku ske mkn smue..kalu blh, stiap kali buke nk mknn lain2..each n everyday..hahhaaa..tp mmg x r..
kat umah dulu2(siyes lame dulu) jrg bli blah kat bazar..tp pas pindah KL..hua..dgn bazar yg tak tekire bak cendawan tumbuh slepas ujan tu, sure akn mmbuatkn org yg x slalu membazar kn dri g bazar..hehehe..so, ble dh g, memacam la bli..mmg x hengat donie la kan..smue mknn nmpk sgt sedap walhal, bli byk pon x tentu mkn..tp arwah dulu mane bg bli byk2..bazir katenye..iye..mmg bazir pon..aku dh bukti kan..hahahaha..kalu la bli byk, sure tarawikh burn..sure!! jd..zaman kecik2 g bazar dgn parents..dh besar g dgm membe..igt dulu..mase geng dgn Nanie..slalu g bazar..die de kete..mmg senang sesgt la kan..die pon jenis yg ON je slalu..smue bazar ktorg redah kat PJ nie..tp yg ktorg ske g kat matrik UIA..x tau nape..sbb dh bosan dgn kerinci kot..pasar mlm ctu..x kn bazar ctu gak..he.. mknn yg slalu dibeli plak.. xtentu..mcm2 aku nk try..tp x de la bli mcm2..sbb sure nnti aku amek mknn DM gak(kna la hargai masakan makcik DM..pnat dorg sdiakn..)..dh byr kan x kn nk bazir..kat klang mane je lg..slaloo nye kat andalas la..kat situ la bazar..kat situ la psr mlm gak..x kesah la...tpt len pon de..tp x sure + jaoh..so, yg dekat sudey.. eh..nape aku rase dh lari tajuk??smangat bebel pasal bazar plak..nk gebang psal makann..aish.. exited tol..sbb ptg nie g bazar..lalala~~~rini ke kerinci saje kot..nk g jaoh..tp esok2 je la kot kalu de rezeki..next week balik umah.. so nk bantai mak nye masakan..gile rindu tempoyak!!!! plus nk g bazar yg seciput kat umah tuh..kre ok la dr x de kan..hehe..cam x bsyukur je..astaghfirullah~~ ok..ku akhiri hari kedua poase di blog nie dgn gamba2 yg lelazat nie..enjoy k...



Selamat datang Ramadhan..


-carry on-

It's easy to fight when everything's right,
And you're mad with the thrill and the glory;
It's easy to cheer when victory's near,
And wallow in fields that are gory.
It's a different song when everything's wrong.
When you're feeling infernally mortal;
When it's ten against one, and hope there is none,
Buck up, little soldier, and chortle:

Carry on! Carry on!
There isn't much punch in your blow.
You're glaring and staring and hitting out blind;
You're muddy and bloody, but never mind.
Carry on! Carry on!
You haven't the ghost of a show.
It's looking like death, but while you've a breath,
Carry on, my son! Carry on!

And so in the strife of the battle of life
It's easy to fight when you're winning;
It's easy to slave, and starve and be brave,
When the dawn of success is beginning.
But the man who can meet despair and defeat
With a cheer, there's a man of God's choosing;
The man who can fight to Heaven's own height
Is the man who can fight when he's losing.

Carry on! Carry on!
Things never were looming so black.
But show that you haven't a cowardly streak,
And though you're unlucky you never are weak.
Carry on! Carry on!
Brace up for another attack.
It's looking like hell, but - you never can tell;
Carry on, old man! Carry on!

There are some who drift out in the deserts of doubt,
And some who in brutishness wallow;
There are others, I know, who in piety go
Because of a Heaven to follow.
But to labor with zest, and to give of your best,
For the sweetness and joy of the giving;
To help folks along with a hand and a song;
Why, there's the real sunshine of living.

Carry on! Carry on!
Fight the good fight and true;
Believe in you mission, greet life with a cheer;
There's big work to do, and that's why you are here.
Carry on! Carry on!
Let the world be the better for you;
And at last when you die, let this be your cry:
Carry on, my soul! Carry on!

Robert W. Service



cumilkn gamba2 diatas..
sape dpt teka persamaan bg kesemuanye??
snang je kan..
itulah warne pelangiku...
nk sgt2 warna2 ceria nie kembali mewarnakan idupku
bukan x de warne idup
juz yg de basic color
however in thankful dgn kaler2 yg de nie..
x dpt bygkan kalu basic kaler tu ilang gak..
tlg la..
x nk..
x mau pikir yg bukan2 itu..
x best!!

back to basic..
eh topik~~
kenape kembali??
sbb kna kembali la..
xkn la itupon x tau..
hv classes 2 be attended..
must struggle for dis 2 month..
only 2 month
of supplement..
its not dat bad..
no need to do elective project
(sad actually)
im alone in da sea of people..
but yet i hv my strength wif me..
always by my side..
i stil hope for my rainbow to appear..
way toooo much rain and blarring of sun already..
or does it becos of over exposure
it end like dis???
need my rainbow~~


-viva result-

result viva dh kuar

sorg viva border

enam viva distinction

result full petang


hatiku tak keruan sunggh

Ya Allah..

bantu kami


luluskn kesemuanya...


-da day b4 result-

assalamualaikum~~ he...gerunkn tajuk diatas..ngeri2 pon kna fece gak..dok risau je hati ni..tp result tu dh ade n juz tggu mase je nk d release..seharian kuar bejalan..x dok bilik xcept skang..jap lg mungkin kuar lg..lpak dgn teman2 lame..gile lame x jumpe..td dok tman linda g jumpe kekasih2 lame die..hehe..wat kawan br hari ni..sorg engineer + 3 cigu kajian tempatan wanabe..tehibur gakr hati yg duka ni dgn kelatah dorg yg prangai cam bdak2 sdangkn nnti jd cigu..huhu... cigu ke x ke, manusia ttp manusia..perangai mcm2 ragam kn..so, aktiviti rini..kol 10 kuar MID. then layan bolin 3 game..well,juara ttp aku..hu..yeah!!gile gempak men..dgn bising nye..gelak ketawanye(cam x sdar dri yg esok result kuar!! ye..esok...).pastu tegesa2 g solat zohor sbb kol 1.30 muvi~~ watch SETEM 4 da second time..hehe..gelak lg..(aisey..gelak je..takut..)dh penat gelak g makan.. timekasih emgineer wannebe~~sedap stik tu..hehehe..pas prot dh kenyang..pe lg..balik la..tp balik2 je bukan sempat rehat.solat then tros turun men badminton..linda dh janji dgn pa'an..hm..pnat2..tp best la..gile peluh men..sampai tegeliat pinggang..konon hebat smash..tp sbenanye x reti pon..haha..tah ble nk pandai tah..dr dulu lg try x lepas2..he...sempat gak calling2 mak..hm..tu lar..balik je UM tros rase balik prasaan x best..dh r kna tinggl(best g sane??man smue game kah??) pas2 sdih menyerang kembali..wawa..pas borak ngan mak lega skit..hm..aku dh buat yg tebaik yg aku mampu..doa & tawakal saje lah pelengkapnye..x putus2 doa aku kepada yg maha esa..pe yg dh tetulis tok aku ttp akn blaku..aku sbg hamba kna trima..tp aku tetap ignkn kejayaan yg x de penghalang.. erk..ayat tu cam klaka..x tau nk tulis cam ne..tp cam tu la.. harap korg pham..korg pon same2 la doakan aku..stiap pe yg baik korg wat tok aku, Tuhan je yg mampu balas...

nk kuar jap..nnti sambg..

ok..tada..kembali sudah..ok..td lepak dgn membe sek rendh ku..die bwk kwn die & kwn die bwk awek die yg merupakan knalan lameku sewaktu di matrik dlu..haha..wat a small world..die mek medic juge..rusia..balik becuti slame sbulan stengah..lame kan..kn..so,boys borak sesame boys & we girlz lost in our "medical" world..bukan snang nk jumpe bdak medic obersea yg ngam dgn medic msia..yg best nye(mengikut penceritaan membe medic ku itu) mereka sgt kagum dgn medic UM.. -____________- weee......sgt sronok dgr itu fakta..she also said dat sdih x dpt medic UM..plus dorg kalu nk kompare medicl school kt msia nie, dorg kopare dgm UM je..U laen x masuk snarai..hu..takbur plak sebentar..astaghfirullah...x baik..tp..hehe.. bangge2...
actually now dh esok..meang..in few more hours result kuar..adeh..cuak..sakit dada..bukan hnye disbb kn oleh result tp juga disbbkn oleh asap shisha td..tah..flavor baru kate cipan..apetah..fantasia??tah mrepek pe tah name flavor tu..ok2..need 2get some sleep but donno la blh sleep ke x..skang nie fasa unstable state..chronically unstable..so..aku dh usaha ritu..dh exam smue..tawakal juga beserta doa mengiringi keputusan yg bakal kuar lg bape jam nie..insyaallah..ade rezeki, aku lepas tanpa viva/suplemen.. tp kalu x de rezeki~~~~~ hm...


long case

long case..yup very long til i donno wat da diagnosis of my patient..seriusly, i think i mess up..notin else i cant do other than tawakal & doa to Him..i've done my best,but if doctor think im not dat best, i donno.. never want to go for viva & supplement!!never!! had enough of that experience.. doest need more.. juz want to be MBBS IIIB this august/september...

kawan2..tlg doakan saye~~ really need ur support..


:I :( :'[

x tau nk rase pe..

smue campur2..

smue rase x best..

nk rs best..

mane rase best tuh??

pnat carik..

x jumpe pon..

pembakar smangat turut hilang besama angin~~